Stereotypes Of Appalachia Obscure A Diverse Picture


I like that this article described the movements of people and culture to and away from Appalachia to show that the region is not as isolated nor as insulated as people think.

By showing the development of its residents’ demographics over time, Thompson is also able to debunk the notion that there is no culture in Appalachia. Residents themselves maintain their own cultures from their own backgrounds, but over time there is a cumulative cultural exchange that Appalachia’s food, music, art, and traditions are derived from.

Appalachia is seen as static because its shifts in population are overlooked, and in a time where we are trying to introduce and enlighten visitors to parks as to why sustainability matters, this notion can hinder visitors and locals from implementing change. Perhaps highlighting the fluidity of the region’s past and present can shift people’s perceptions. On the other hand, Appalachia can be considered static in the sense that many families, including families of color, have generational ties to the region. So it also important to highlight that diversity isn’t new to Appalachia, instead people of color have always been present in Appalachia’s history.