Nordstrom’s Legendary Tire Story


There’s a famous story that gets told around here, one that many argue is the single most illustrative example of Nordstrom’s customer service ethos. It has to do with a customer who brought in a set of used tires and asked for a refund, and many have wondered whether it ever even happened.

The story starts almost 40 years ago at a Nordstrom store in Fairbanks, Alaska, where Craig Trounce was a store associate. One day, Craig noticed a customer rolling a pair of tires into the store. When Craig asked how he could help, the customer asked to return the tires, insisting that he bought them at that very location with a guarantee that he could bring them back to the store at any time.  

Of course, Nordstrom never sold tires. But in 1975, it purchased three stores from a company that did –Northern Commercial of Alaska. The Northern Commercial Company offered an eclectic mix of goods– everything from towels and linens to automotive supplies. When Nordstrom took over the locations, it narrowed the merchandise mix to apparel and shoes. 

Instead of turning the tires away, Craig wanted to do right by the customer, who had driven more than 50 miles with the intention of returning these tires. Knowing little about how tires are priced, Craig called a tire company to get their thoughts on how much the tires were worth. He then gave the customer the estimated amount, took the tires, and sent him on his way.  

Lost over the years is the exact dollar amount the customer received in exchange for those tires, but no doubt it’s been earned back a thousand times over when you consider the scope and resonance of the story today. (Nordstrom, n.d.).

What better way to research Nordstrom’s customer service than looking into one of their most iconic stories. As a Nordstrom employee, I can attest to the fact that they love this story. It was told at my orientation and has become a symbol of the company’s value in customer service. The reason that they tell this story is to show just how far they go to service their customers. They are always finding any and every way to help a customer, even when it doesn’t make even any sense. Another big thing about the story is the associate didn’t turn the customer away, which is something not a lot of businesses can relate to. The standard of service that Nordstrom holds themselves to certainly high, considering they very publicly very often share this crazy story. What do the consumers think about it though? Nordstrom has many people they reach in their stores, ranging from longtime loyal customers to people just walking in for the first time. What are all of the different perspectives of Nordstrom’s unique service standard and what can I take from it to apply to a different type of business (a.k.a banking)?


Nordstrom. (n.d.). The Nordy Pod: The truth about Nordstrom’s legendary tire story. Nordstrom.