Time spent playing games


This study, done by Zoi Walker helps show exactly how much time Gen Z plays video games.

The research from this article outlines how much time Americans spend on video games, what video games are most popular, and what the most common device is. There is a stigma that video games are a waste of time and that playing lots of video games is often correlated with laziness. However, this article states that there’s a growing opinion that video games help in developing literacy, problem-solving, and socializing. Whatever your opinion is the fact of the matter is that video games are becoming a more and more common pass time for Americans. In all honesty, playing a game 6-10 hours straight is probably not the best for you but some people do it. So what can we learn from it? Obviously, this article shows that video games are widely appealing to a large audience. People like games and people like having fun. How can we leverage this to help people learn about finances? What I think is the most telling about this article is that a popular gaming device is mobile gaming. There seems to be a big market for mobile games. Is there a way that financial institutions could break into this market with games that help educate and empower people about their finances?

Walker, Zoi. “How Much Time Do Americans Spend Gaming?: Centurylinkquote.” Find CenturyLink Internet, TV, Phone Services Information, 3 Sept. 2024, www.centurylinkquote.com/resources/time-spent-gaming#:~:text=Today%2C%20there’s%20a%20growing%20consensus,who%20once%20questioned%20its%20value.