Conjecture: Hishi Karada (aka. Rope Dress)



The Hishi Karada Rope Harness is a self-tied system that wraps around the user in a vest-like fashion. When tied, the vest can be used to perform a similar function to the PALS (Pouch Attachment Ladder System) that can be used to attach smaller equipment to the rope nodules. The vest can then be untied to use the paracord for alternate purposes. The Hishi Karada system can be tied over top of clothing or uniforms, and is lightweight for easy wear.


In the military, soldiers are equipped with several items which they typically keep in their “pack.” Currently, soldiers carry rappelling rope in their pack for different uses. The US military is equipped with MOLLE gear (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment), which is a system of modular gear components such as vests, backpacks, or pouches that attach to each other. This gear is typically based around a Tactical Assault Panel (or TAP), which is a load-carrying chest rig or vest.

While the Hishi Karada vest is intended to be used in conjunction with MOLLE gear, or the soldiers “pack,” it provides additional opportunity to attach components to the front of the soldier, which may be helpful in combat, when tools are needed in an instant and one may not have time to search their packs for an item. The fear of ambush within the jungle combat setting is prevalent