How Travel Has Transformed Over the Course of 100 Years



Travel has come a long way in the last 100 years. In 1920, Britain was still connected to India by an empire, and Mexico City was only accessible by ship or train.

Today, travelers can take advantage of new technologies like airplanes and cruise ships that have opened up a world of travel opportunities. From exploring ancient ruins in Peru to road-tripping through New Zealand, modern travelers can experience places that were inaccessible or unknown just a hundred years ago. The evolution of travel in the last century is remarkable, allowing anyone with access to transportation to explore distant lands and discover cultures different from their own. Travel has continued to evolve over the past century. With more people traveling, the need for convenience and comfort is more significant than ever. That’s why airlines have invested in technologies that allow travelers to book tickets online, check in remotely, and even print their boarding passes at home. Technology’s evolution has dramatically changed how we travel over the past 100 years. From steamboats and hand-drawn carts to planes, trains, and cruise ships, there is now an incredible range of transportation options for travelers.


Travel is something that has been completely revolutionized throughout human history. What started out as travel by foot and utilizing animals to the planes and cars we see now. However, transporting on foot is still a mode of transportation that’s critical within MCI today. Transporting people when it comes to MCIs can be a difficult task whether it’s having enough litters to carry all of the injured or having big enough cars or helicopters to get them to the nearest medical center, there are problems at hand. How can we use all of the modes of transportation we have today to make the most efficient rescue possible? In addition, our environment can also make transporting an issue whether it is plain desert-like lands or hilly mountainside regions. Struggles can be found in both the transport and the region in which they need to take place. So, how can we challenge what already exists to maximize the amount of relief we can get when it comes to MCIs?