Don’t Buy Stuff – Saturday Night Live


Click HERE to watch the video!


First of all, I love SNL, so the fact that I managed to find a video talking about credit that happened to fit into this project is a complete win for me. Secondly, this photo brings up a lot of good points about the dangers of credit. It’s hard, once you have the freedom to spend money you don’t have, to learn to budget and keep control of yourself. Credit is incredibly helpful, but also very dangerous should you go into debt. I’m going to keep this in mind as I continue my research. Yes, credit is an answer, and it’s the way the world is going. But it’s not without its dangers, especially for people who are easily taken advantage of (like in this video). In considering how this applies to travel and foreign banking, it’s a valid concern. People on vacation are likely to spend more money on random things without worrying about the financial blow it might have once they return.


YouTube. (2013, September 10). Don’t buy stuff – saturday night live. YouTube.