There is a wide variety of 3D animation styles and types in the modern world. Each of them serves better for a certain function, task, or area of application.
Television and movies
The impact of 3D animation in the modern film industry is hard to overestimate. Woody from the Toy Story, Elsa and Anna from Frozen, Sonic the Hedgehog are just a few of our favorite 3D animation examples. 3D animation in film uses heavier and more quality set-up and rendered 3D models to achieve the supreme quality we enjoy.
Video games
Considering the dynamism in gaming, 3D animation techniques here rely on optimization, lighter models, and real-time 3D graphics. Nowadays, gamification or implementing gaming techniques in software is widely used in business applications for motivational and educational purposes.
Advertising and Marketing
3D animation is an excellent tool to capture the audience’s attention with impressive video effects, clearly demonstrate the benefits of a product or service, and build brand awareness.
Medical and Scientific Services
These spheres require a lot of educational content to illustrate complex ideas. 3D helps to achieve these goals due to its realistic style and the effect of immersion into the demonstrated content.
Education in business
Educating staff and clients have always been two crucial tasks for businesses. They can now be successfully solved with the help of 3D animation in ‘serious games’ (educational applications) and tutorials. They allow one to study complex mechanisms and train with 3D simulators, sometimes in virtual reality. This helps businesses to optimize costs, especially in situations where training with real-life mechanisms is not possible.
User engagement
Marketing managers know how challenging it is to attract a customer’s attention to your product among a multitude of competitors’ offers. 3D product animation allows you to make eye-catching dynamic videos that will ensure brand recognition. You can appeal to your audience by immersing them in the magic of interior design, illustrating a complex technology, or helping them understand vital medical solutions.
Larger audience attraction
Our brain processes visuals much faster than texts, which leads to a high retention rate of the videos and images we see daily. With 3D animation (as well as with 2D), you can create amazing visual content increasing your reach and driving more traffic to your website. The effects of volume and motion used in 3D graphics will help your consumers understand the product better and increase your chances for sales.
Excellent branding tool
3D animation is an excellent tool when it comes to branding and long-term brand development. With its help, you can create a brand ambassador, a unique and recognizable brand character, and reuse it in your promotions as many times as you like. Needless to say, it is much more cost-effective than creating content from scratch for every new promotion video.
Visual clarity for complex ideas
3D animation is a perfect solution for B2B companies with a complex innovative product or knowledge-intensive B2C. It will give you the possibility to illustrate complex scientific ideas and mechanisms in a vivid, clear, and simple way.
Admin (2022) How can 3D animation benefit business? everything you should know, Walla Walla Studio. Walla Walla Studio. Available at: https://wallawallastudio.com/article/how-can-3d-animation-benefit-business-everything-you-should-know/ (Accessed: January 26, 2023).