Elise Aultman
“Earth”: A call to action from Lil Dicky?
"There’s an interesting juxtaposition between the vibrant, high-quality video and the outlandish storytelling. Line-by-line, the song...
Waulking: A Scottish Gaelic Oral Tradition
"Frances Dunlop founder of Sgioba Luaidh Inbhirchluaidh, (Inverclyde Waulking Group) explains how waulking (in Gaelic luadh) was more than a...
Recession Pop As Escapism
Screenshot from Spotify.com
“They were feel-good songs to get us out of a difficult time and they were the...
Dancing With Autism: Dance as a Social Structure to Ease Difficulties...
"Ballroom dancing teaches new students proper social etiquette in the ballroom. This can give people with ASD a structure to learn good...
“Recycled” Art is NOT Trashy
"The founders of Canvus came up with the idea of converting retired wind turbine blades into furniture about three years ago. Throughout...
Ohio History Connection Kwanzaa Celebration: More than a Museum
"The Greater Columbus community celebration of Kwanzaa moves this year from the King Arts Complex, which is undergoing renovation, to the Ohio...