The Department of Design is proud to announce the launch of a DESIS Lab! By doing so, it joins an international network of universities and colleges leading in Social Innovation and Sustainability through Design. The DESIS Lab at OSU is built upon the Department’s commitment to advancing design education and serving communities in need. Committed to this creed and the desire to foster a sense of social good through design education, faculty have developed community-engaged learning opportunities and local and international service-learning courses to address social issues, cultivate cultural sensitivity, and practice environmental stewardship.

Designing with the PopRua in Brazil

Susan Melsop was featured on “Voices of Excellence”, which focuses on the innovative work being done in the Arts & Sciences College at the Ohio State University.

Earlier in the semester, the DESIS Lab announced a small scholarship competition to help three senior students within each Design discipline fund their senior project. Priority was given to students whose project related to social design and innovation, as well as those preparing to graduate with research distinction. Today, we are happy to announce our…
Melsop was invited as a speaker for the Department of Engineering Education Research Seminar. Her presentation was titled: “What Does the Convergence of Design and Social Justice Look Like?”
Melsop was invited to be a panelist on the Center for Ethics and Human Values (CEHV) conversations along with Charles Weijer, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Bioethics, Western University, and Abigail Shoben, from the College of Public Health, OSU.
course was featured in a leading Brazilian publication VEJA Design Matters in Brazil course was featured in a leading Brazilian publication VEJA. Susan Melsop and Juliana Bertolini were interviewed for their work to empower homeless and at-risk populations in São Paulo through their #EducationAbroad bringing Buckeyes to Brazil for on-the-ground service learning in co-creation with local partner Movimento Nacional…